Disney Test Track
in-queue, on-ride and post-ride experiences.
We teamed up with Walt Disney Imagineering for consulting, game design and development of 5 interactive attractions including the world famous personalized ride experience 'Test Track'.
All experiences connect mobile and web experiences at home with in-park entertainment. The experience begins with guests walking into a “Design Studio” where guests interface with a 42 inch touch-screen kiosk. The guest is greeted by a futuristic interface that tells them to log into the Design Station with the card they were previously handed. From here, the guest draws a line which eventually becomes the form of their vehicle, which will probably look completely different than the vehicle of guests to their left or right. Once they have achieved that initial form, the guest then gets to actually sculpt the body in a freeform manner, and make a variety of transformations, from adjusting the length and width.
Executive Producer
Walt Disney Imagineering
Theme Park Ride
Physical ride
The guests also get to customize their car’s color, put decals and some wildly unique wheels on it, as well as place hundreds of unique accessories on the body. Throughout the process the attributes – speed, capability, responsiveness and efficiency are shown and adjusted, based on the guest’s design decisions.
After finishing their car, guests ride the ride where they actually get to see how their car’s attributes performed against the other members of their party by way of screens featured throughout the ride experience.
After the ride, guests are treated to a post show experience where they get to see a giant score wall that by using their “ID card” – they get to see an attribute score – as well as a high score car for the day. Several other post show experiences feature the same car that the guest created in the design studio.